
Monday, December 26, 2011

Beale Air force Base the day after Christmas 2011

The  Peace Panel Project joined Code Pink and a representative of a Grass Valley area peace group at the entrance to Beale Air force Base, at dawn 12/26/11, to catch the incoming crew with peace signs and banners.  Beale is a home to some of the drone control that has murdered civilians overseas.  Since the drone program really reduces murder to a video game we felt our presents was an important response.

After catching the morning traffic there we did a peace vigil, with our signs, on Hwy 70 in Marysville.  I was gratified by the positive response we got from most of the people driving by.

Saturday, December 24, 2011

A Christmas Greeting

What is the spirit of Christmas if not to follow the Lord?  And yet here we go through another Holy season shooting drone attacks on people we don't even know.