
Friday, September 6, 2019

Northwest PPP Tour 2019

The Northwest Peace Panel Project Tour 2019 first landed at Vogel Plaza (8th St. & Central), August 13, in Medford Oregon.  Where I was able to enlist three passers-by to help me hold up the "Essential Sequential 4 (or 5)" on a really busy street at rush hour. 
That was fun.  We got lots of thumbs up and smiles from those driving by.

Next stop was the Veterans For Peace National Convention in Spokane.  Four days of great workshops, Plenaries, exhibitions, speakers, entertainment, and actual actions!  It was fun to be among 200 or more people with similar goals.  Like let's end war and stuff.
One of my main take-aways was "Let's respect women more."  We got some really good presentations by women.

This is me in front of the entrance sign of Fairchild Air Force Base holding up signs and chanting "No More War".  We had a great time to the astonishment of the Base Police and passers-by.

The peace actions ended August 19 in Portland, in the shade, by a great park, by a busy road-side at rush hour with 4 friends from the Convention holding up the "Essential Sequential Five" Peace Panels to the approval of passers-by.

Check out this video of the Portland demonstration: