
Sunday, January 13, 2013

Our Exhibit at the 2013 Wild & Scenic Film Festival

Here we are at the Wild & Scenic Film Festival, "WHERE ACTIVISM GETS INSPIRED", (of Nevada City).  It was neat!  We got to meet one of the "Beale 5".  I think she was an official of the W&SFF, she had on a name badge like some other folks there.  I showed her the Panel about Drones and the signatures on the back, of the demonstrators who were at Beale Air Force Base that day, (including Toby Blome of Code Pink) and she said pointing to another signature, and said, "That one's mine."  Wow, a celebrity in our midst!  That was fun to talk to her about the story of her arrest and defense.  Then we got to talk to Kelly who was running a wine bar across the street and she had a story of when she was at a demonstration with Medea Benjamin of Code Pink.  That was fun hearing her story.
We exhibited 28 large panels; 30 small (8" x 18") panels our table and cart.  We were well received; talked to a lot of people, handed out dozens of flyers; promoted the local peace group. It was cold, but a good amount of viewers checked out the Project.  A day well spent.

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