
Thursday, November 6, 2014

Peace Panel Project's 2014 Nevada Tour

Great weather greeted me as I set up the Peace Panel Project exhibit, for the fourth year, out in front of Joe Crowley Student Union of the University of Nevada Reno.  In response to the feed-back last year from the student newspaper reporter I only set up five easels, instead of all twelve.  Students get overwhelmed with too much to look at.  Everybody is exposed to so much information these days, less is better.  I got some good feed-back.  One viewer bought me lunch!

Later I got to meet with Pat Coia of the Sierra Interfaith Action for Peace.  We talked about coordinating an event next year.

I met with Katie and Kyle of "Be the Change".  They are an inspiration, living without gas, electricity or a car. Way to go!  I got some great ideas to refine the exhibit.

Met with the Program Officer of Truckee Meadows Community College and started the ball

rolling to exhibit there next year.  It was a good trip.

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