
Friday, September 28, 2012

Sacramento City College exhibit 2012

Our second annual visit to Sacramento City College was well attended by students and faculty alike.  We set up at 8 am on the south side of the walkway next to the North Gym so all students and faculty who entered by the Main entrance walked by to enter the campus and get to the cafe or the Quad. And thanks to Winnie of the Sacramento Area Peace Action Group I had some help setting up and folding up at 3pm.  The help was critical because my helper was sick and doing it by myself would have cut severely into our exhibition time.  We have compiled 13 e mail contacts of activists in the area we appealed to, but Winnie was the one who saved the day, with help when it was needed most.  Thank you Winnie!  SCC did not allow sales of any kind so we had to ask people who wanted to buy books to contact us later and we would mail them the book they wanted at 10% off the marked price.  (Our typical price.)  We had a good number of great conversations on topics of peace, censorship, ethical shopping and the ending of the death penalty ballot issue  this November.  It is always rewarding to see young students hooked by the exhibit intently reading every word of many panels.  I got that treat many times at this exhibit.  Many times students or faculty would come up and shake my hand and thank me for putting up the show.

After folding it up at 3pm I headed to the Sacramento Area Peace Action's peace vigil at 16th & J Streets in downtown Sacramento.  There I joined the usual crew of about four activists holding up our signs for the rush hour traffic to see.  The consensus was that the response from the drivers has improved over time with more honks, thumbs up and smiling faces than in times past.  I really felt like we were building the movement towards peace and justice.

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